Electronic Data Capture Can Benefit Your Hospital
Ways Best-in-Class
Making the transition from capturing patient data and signatures on paper to using e-capture and e-signature solutions can increase your hospital staff’s productivity, cut costs, reduce errors and enhance data security. A mobile-first electronic solution minimizes manual tasks, giving staff more time for patient care — and that means happier patients. But all e-capture/e-signature solutions are not created equal. Here are 10 ways choosing a best-in-class electronic system can benefit your hospital, your staff and your patients:
Cut admission time as much as 50%.
Unlike paper-based admission, digital forms can be created automatically for each patient, with pre-filled data fields from the hospital’s EMR and in the patient’s native language. Highlighted fields alert patients when they fail to complete a required step. Patients no longer suffer through an intimidating stack of forms, and admissions staff receives all the information needed to admit the patient quickly — improving accuracy, care and satisfaction.
improve its HCAHPS scores by 32%.
Learn how one hospital used electronic data capture to
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data capture see an average 32% improvement in HCAHPS customer satisfaction scores,
hospitals using electronic
Improve patient satisfaction.
positively impacting their reputation, reimbursement rates and revenues.
By cutting admission time, easing the paperwork burden on patients, and using mobile technology to better serve patients,
Increase staff productivity by up to 25%.
A digital solution can automatically assemble patients’ form packets using facility-specific business logic, ensuring the proper documents are completed for each person. With no need to scan forms, check the forms for errors, barcode form packets or enter forms into EMR systems, staff can spend more time with patients.
Digital forms reduce reliability risk by gathering all necessary signatures through highlighted signature fields.
Visual highlights ensure that patients complete forms. Configurable date/time stamps provide signature tracking. Direct API integration with electronic records repositories eliminates manual scanning and indexing, providing for immediate, secured storage.
surgical consent forms
customized complex
with dynamic content.
Discover how one hospital
Eliminate lost signed consent forms.
By automatically generating correct form packets and highlighting required fields, an electronic data and signature capture solution gathers everything your hospital needs to bill for services at the point of registration or patient care. Start the revenue cycle earlier, reduce labor costs and avoid delays in claims processing, while enhancing cash flow and patient satisfaction.
Speed up the billing process.
needs iPads for patient registration.
top 6 reasons your hospital
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Mobility is the future of patient care, but pushing unwieldy computer carts around the hospital isn’t the ideal way to “go mobile.” Instead of staff struggling with carts in tight rooms, employees can carry lightweight tablets, and your hospital’s risk of liability exposure is lessened. Fewer carts to purchase also means cost savings, space is freed up, and patients and medical personnel can communicate more personably.
"Mobile-ize" patient care.
Gain flexibility, too.
Although mobility is increasingly important to hospital workflows, there are still some situations where mobile hardware isn’t appropriate. The best systems offer the flexibility to capture and access patient data on a tablet, laptop or desktop — whatever fits the workflow needs of your staff.
For hospitals
Printing, scanning and indexing forms can cost an estimated $1.34 per page.
with hundreds of thousands of patients per year, that quickly adds up. Electronically capturing signatures and data eliminates the need to scan and check for errors, as well as the cost and labor involved in shredding scanned documents.
Reduce scanning – and its labor costs.
Digitization Beyond the Point of Care
What is the true cost of obsolete paper-based systems? The
Your hospital will save money on paper; cut ancillary printing costs, such as toner, hardware and printer maintenance; and reduce the labor hours needed to print and file documents.
Reduce printing by 15%, eliminating 15,000 pieces of paper annually.
Patient Satisfaction
Estimated ROI: as little as 2 years.
thanks to
The average electronic data capture implementation pays for itself in as little as 2 years,
reduced labor, printing, scanning and maintenance costs. What’s more, the ROI continues long after that, as ongoing cost savings improve your hospital’s bottom line.
See ROI in as little as 2 years.
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About Bottomline Technologies
For more information, visit www.bottomline.com.
Our healthcare division helps more than 1,500 healthcare organizations create patient experiences that are simple, secure and seamless, with solutions that include privacy and data security, eCapture, eSignature, and on-demand forms.
Sources: 1. Bottomline Technologies, Customer Success Story: Madison Memorial Hospital Cuts Admission Time and Increases Patient SatisfactionScores with Electronic Signature Capture. 2. Ibid. 3. Ibid. 4. Bottomline Technologies, Saying Goodbye to Paper: The iPad Advantage for Healthcare. 5. Bottomline Technologies, Award-Winning Healthcare Provider Advances Patient-Centered Care with Electronic Signature Capture. 6. Bottomline Technologies’ proprietary data.
Bottomline Technologies (NASDAQ: EPAY) is a financial technology company that helps businesses pay and get paid. More than 10,000 businesses around the world rely on Bottomline for domestic and international payments, effective cash management tools, automated workflows for payment processing and bill review and state of the art fraud detection, behavioral analytics and regulatory compliance.
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Watch a 2-minute video on eSignature and eCapture, powered by Logical Ink,
to learn how you can bring enhanced productivity, increased accuracy, cost savings and greater patient satisfaction to your hospital.
Simplify your hospital's transition away from paper-based systems with an eSignature and eCapture solution.